When I began The Wahls Protocol© on January 19, 2018, I didn’t know it was possible to heal my body, let alone to this extent. As you will read in these notes, organized like chapters, you will learn the circumstances in which this came about. In 2011, I was diagnosed with Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis. After declining for 6.5 years following the conventionally acceptable treatment of Multiple Sclerosis, then thriving for the past 1.9 years (this manuscript was completed September 2019) on The Wahls Protocol©, this drastic improvement in my personal health created an internal uprising in my body, mind, and soul. In the Fall of 2017, I had reached a point in my disease where I felt my body breaking beyond repair. I did not believe that this process could be ceased or reversed because this was not the belief or knowledge that was shared with me as a patient, the importance of diet and lifestyle changes were never addressed, just trying to slow the decline with disease modifying drugs was the only message that was rendered as a patient with Multiple Sclerosis. I learned about Dr. Terry Wahls in 2015. I learned about her from her TedTalk, “Minding Your Mitochondria.” From there, I bought her book, The Wahls Protocol©, read it cover to cover, then brought it to my former neurologist who informed me, “those people don’t last long.”The notes that you are about to encounter are full of raw emotion. They encompass how I interpreted the protocol at the conception of each note, misperceptions, thoughts, beliefs, mistakes, forgiveness, uncertainties, challenges, celebrations, feelings. I was right. I was wrong. You will encounter me, at that stage of healing. You will meet a woman who is launching an astute metamorphosis on The Wahls Protocol©.Writing this book was cathartic, unexpected, and celebrates my healing journey. For me, it is an empowering, triumphant return from the significant erosion that Multiple Sclerosis inflicted on my mind, body, and soul.

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Lisa Lovely, and NTPNORTHWEST is not a licensed medical doctor or mental health counselor.She does not treat, cure or diagnose. Information provided on this site, or any other form of communication, is not to be used to replace medical advice. If you feel that you have a medical issue, you should seek the advice of your Physician or health care provider. The FDA has not approved any statements on this site. This website is provided for informational purposes only. By continuing to browse this website, or by receiving services, you agree to this disclaimer.